We have been traveling the past week on a business trip to our potential resort construction site in Quy Nhon, a city on the east coast of Viet Nam midway between Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City. We also went to Da Nang and Hoi An south of Da Nang to visit resorts and get a sense of the competition.
Since we were up that way, we decided to drop in on Virtual Doug and the Mystery Guest Blogger (MGB) in Hue. I have written before about how the blogging community is a real community even though we might not ever meet in person:
- What arises in the give-and-take of blog postings and comments is the development of "community". This is what I am most thrilled about as I continue posting to my blog, reading other blogs that influence me, and especially, contributing comments to other blogs and receiving comments on mine.
- I may never meet personally most of the bloggers in my new community (and that community is constantly morphing into new sizes and shapes), but for fleeting moments, I feel a very direct relationship with each of them as I read and contribute to the discussions in this community.
In this case, Virtual Doug and I had resolved to meet sometime in person, and our business trip gave us the opportunity. Doug and his wife MGB were very gracious to us, and we thank them very much for the two dinners we had with them and the conversations we had. They introduced us to Mr. Cu and the Mandarin Cafe and his beautiful photographs.
We appreciate the volunteer work they are doing on behalf of Vietnamese people in Hue.