Viet commented yesterday on my posting of 23 October 2007 entitled "Neighborhood new houses...":
I realize VNeses like to use to the secondary colors to paint thier buildings (perhaps it's due to the heat, probably it's toomuch to the eyes to use primary colors in the tropic climate).
That does seem to be generally true, but as usual there are good exceptions. Primary colors are more often used here in Vietnam as accent colors (see my banner photo at the top of the page). I believe that southern Vietnamese have an innate good design sense that leads them to intelligent choices in the use of color. Even though the background colors are usually secondary colors, they are often intense colors. But here are a few modernist houses in Ho Chi Minh City that have used primary colors in big ways:
Every primary color including green (the plantings) are used in this house.
Large expanses of red used here as an accent color.
Strong primary colors are used here effectively to complement the strong forms.